
Actual Name In Spanish
: Asociación Nacional de Operadores de Turismo Receptivo del Ecuador
Founded In
: Quito, February 2nd 2004
Legal Constitution
: Ministerial Agreement  Number. 20040001 Of The Ministry Of Tourism
Creation Date
: 02 de febrero del 2004
Ruc Number
: 1791930762001
Working Area
: National Territory Of Ecuador
: Tourist Guild Representatives Of Receptive Tourism Operators
: Quito, El Telégrafo E10-96 y El Día
Phone Numbers
: 226 8899

Our Goals

  • To increase the management capacity by attracting more members and taking advantage of their knowledge, experience, relationships and influences to strengthen the image of the Association at a national and international level.
  • To increase the representativeness at the national level with voting decision in transcendental issues in the tourism sector.
  • To encourage strategic alliances between partners and strengthen communication, eliminating rivalries to achieve solid work teams committed to the same goal.
  • To strengthen the promotion of the Association and its products in the national and international market.
  • To give professional training to partners.
  • To position, strengthen and integrate the tourism operation in all instances of participation of the sector.